Chocolate Recipes for Valentine’s Day

I have to admit that I think Valentine’s Day is kind of hokey. Teddy bears and silly cards are cute enough, I suppose, but overpriced flowers and prix fixe restaurant menus don’t do much for me. But this Hallmark holiday does have one major redeeming quality: chocolate.

Who can be cranky about a holiday that prompts coworkers to share bowls of hershey kisses and husbands to bring home cherry cordials? Even better, of course, are the home made treats. Nobody can resist chocolates from your very own kitchen. And on this one day, all chocolate is calorie-free. True fact. So go to town!

Below are a few of my favorite chocolate truffle-like recipes.

I hope you enjoy!

cake balls white chocolate
Cake Ball Truffles

chocolate goat cheese truffles
Nutty Goat Cheese Chocolate Truffles

peanut butter chocolate truffles
Peanut Butter Balls

Published in: on February 11, 2013 at 9:19 am  Comments (9)  
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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Peanut butter balls – super yum! As a born and bread Ohioan buckeyes are a fav 🙂

  2. Goat Cheese truffles!! Wow! I love goat cheese, dark chocolate and almond liquor! This one is my valentine!! 😉

    New to your blog..sure does look very interesting!

  3. Those are some yummy treats!!

  4. tasty & appetizing nice treats! Yummy!

  5. Tantalizing!

  6. Calorie free you say? Well I’ll be sure to stuff my face tomorrow then! All of these look delicious!

  7. Ohhhh, cherry cordials! How I miss those. 🙂 I haven’t seen any since I moved to Australia. 🙂 And I need one of each of these gorgeous truffles. OK, maybe two. 🙂

  8. A great selection of Vday treats! I would to try the goat cheese truffles!

  9. Beautiful chocolates !
    I especially like the peanutbutter balls, they look breathtaking !

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