Garden Fresh Double Radish Tartine

fresh french breakfast radishes

Radishes are a seriously underappreciated vegetable.  I could list all the reasons I love radishes (their pretty pink color, their crisp raw crunch, their sweet punchy flavor). But the real reason I adore radishes above all other early spring veggies is that I can grow them – fast. I love that moment, that thrill of pulling up on the bright little greens and seeing the pretty pink root beneath the dirt.  Radishes mature in just a few weeks, and are very forgiving.  They grow well in beds or in containers, they love cool weather, and will do just fine with only 5-6 hours of sun per day.  

Radishes and butter are a natural combination.  In France, raw radishes are served with sweet butter and flaky salt as a lively spring hors d’oeuvres.  In my own kitchen, I adore radishes braised with butter and dill as a sophisticated side dish with grilled salmon. But for a simple spring snack, this super quick double radish tarine hits the spot. 

organi radish sandwich

There is something about gardening that makes me feel frugal. With all the care and attention I’ve given these radishes, I don’t want to waste even a morsel. Which is why I’ve started using the radish greens, and I’m loving them! Baby radish greens are wonderful in salad, and more mature radish greens are tasty sautéed with garlic. Finely chopped, the radish greens make the herb butter in this tartine a really exciting spread. This  herb butter would be great on grilled fish, or tossed with pasta, and it’s great on pumpernickel bread. If you wanted to make this tartine a more substantial meal, a few thin sliced of hard-cooked egg would be a great addition.

organic garden radish

Double Radish Tartine

Serves 8

8 slices whole grain pumpernickel bread

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened

1 tablespoon finely chopped baby radish greens

2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill, divided

1 teaspoon chopped fresh chives

1/4 teaspoon salt, plus extra for sprinkling

1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh radishes

Toast the bread until crisp.  Allow the toast to cool (you do not want the butter to melt on the toast). Whip the softened butter with an electric mixer. Fold in the radish greens, half the dill, the chives, and the salt.  Spread the butter on each of the pieces of toast.  Arrange the radish slices on top of the butter and sprinkle with the remaining dill and additional salt to taste.  Serve as a light lunch or snack, or cut each tartine into four triangles and serve as party finger food for your next picnic.

Published in: on April 26, 2012 at 7:16 pm  Comments (6)  
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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I love radishes and have tried growing them without much luck. This sounds delicious to me. I had sauteed radishes for the very first time recently – they’re wonderful.

  2. I am totally with you on radishes! My daughter loves them too so when I get some we are both devouring them; love your tartine, I have never tried them like this; I usually eat them with hummus and such and make pesto with the greens or throw them in salads; so great to have them fresh at your disposal!

  3. This actually sounds really good, Katie! I love all the other ideas you gave for radishes to. I should be getting my new heirloom radish seeds in the mail soon. I can’t wait. 🙂

  4. My father was a big radish fan and so is my husband. They would love this French tartine.

  5. I adore radishes and this has got to be the best radish recipe on the blogosphere . I must makes these soon and your idea braising them with dill as a side to salmon is just too good for words!

    chow 🙂 Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  6. […] in the spring when I made this lovely radish tartine? I was thrilled at the adorable little radishes growing in my garden.   I have long dreamed of a […]

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