A Chocolate Malt From Route 66

chocolate and vanilla milkshakes

The Grand Canyon was great.  It really, truly was.  Mind boggling, majestic, picturesque… all of that. 

But it’s not the Grand Canyon that I’ve been dreaming about since we got home.  It’s the chocolate malt from Twister’s 50’s Soda Fountain.  I’m a total sucker for nostalgia, and the town of William’s, AZ was right up my alley.  The main drag is an homage to the Route 66 glory days, complete with poodle skirts and James Dean posters and, of course, an authentic soda fountain.

old fashioned chocolate maltWe were headed back to our bed and breakfast when we saw the sign for Twister’s, and my husband (bless him for knowing me so very well) yanked the wheel hard, crossed two lanes of traffic, slammed on the brakes and whirled into the parking lot. He was rewarded with a strawberry freeze (strawberry ice cream blended with lemon-lime soda).  The freeze was lovely, but there is nothing better than a rich, sweet malt.  Dusty and sweaty from our walk at the canyon, we lounged at the outdoor chrome-top tables, enjoying the sunset and our frosty treats.

And the minute we got home I sent Jeff off to the store for malt powder. And straws. You can’t have a shake or malt without a fun straw. Unless you enjoy your malt from a shot glass.  Yep, a shot glass.  Little milkshake shooters served with a big plate of cookies make for a pretty awesome dinner party dessert.  Your friends will swoon.  And if you go for half chocolate shooters and half vanilla (use regular malt powder, skip the chocolate syrup and add a teaspoon of vanilla extract) you’ll please every last picky guest.

chocolate malt shooters

Old-Fashioned Chocolate Malt

Makes two big servings (or about two dozen shooters)

2 cups vanilla ice cream

2 cups milk

1/8 cup chocolate malt powder

1/4 cup chocolate syrup

1 ounce dark chocolate

Combine ice cream, milk, malt powder and syrup in a blender and whir until well blended.  Pour the chocolate malts into two big cups.  Grate the dark chocolate over the top of each malt.  Serve with straws.

 chocolate malt

Published in: on July 7, 2010 at 4:00 pm  Comments (37)  
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37 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Putting your life in danger for frozen treats…hmmm.

    I think I must have been about ten years old when I had a chocolate malt…those were the days when I didn’t pack on weight like I do now. I just look at one and gain weight from it LOL.

    Thanks for sharing your cute adventure.
    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

    • Haha, well, now you know our priorities! But really the danger was minimal… I kind of forgot to mention that we were pretty much the only car on the road!

  2. Yummmmm!! I want to go make one right now or better yet have you make one for me. Love the shots idea for my next diner party.

  3. It’s amazing what a good chocolate malt can do to a girl! I had a very memorable one long ago, that I just can’t put out of my head. I’ll have to give this a try!

  4. These look yummy! I love the cute glasses! I really enjoyed looking around your blog. You have some great recipes. 🙂

  5. I love this, Katie!! 🙂 I’m a sucker for nostalgia too and you and your hubby just became even more delightful through this post. 🙂 I haven’t had a malt in so very, very long and now I’m craving one. Thank you! 🙂

  6. As I read you post my mouth was watering. I love grand canyon and hoover dam. We were there couple of months ago, just to beat the heat. Old-Fashioned Chocolate Malt is on my weekend to do list.

  7. Chocolate Malts are the best. Wish there would be a “no calorie” version.

  8. I could so go for a malt right now!

  9. Oh God. What a life. If only I could sip that right now, dangling my legs way up in the Grand Canyons, preferably during a lovely sunset…

  10. The malt-chocolate drink sounds great! And I love the cups you used.

    • Aren’t the cups adorable? They were a Christmas present! I adore them!

  11. Cocco malty goodness. So tasty. Love your post. Thanks for sharing and thank you so much for checking out my blog.

  12. My poor husband has to have a root canal and crown this week. This looks like the perfect treat for his recovery!

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the Grand Canyon. We bought a camper and are anxious to start doing some traveling. Went to Yellow Stone last year. So much fun!

  13. I have known people I was close to who were crazy for chocolate malted drinks; how funny what your hubby did! So glad it turned into a delightful experience.

  14. Mmmm I am craving these right now. 🙂

  15. I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip! A friend of mine says he wants to work about half way down the canyon and sell water bottles. haha!

  16. Dear Katie – OMG! Did you stop at the country restaurant opposite the railroad station that has those AMAZING pies in Williams, AZ? It’s our fave little town.

    What fun – I can’t believe of all the places in the world you too landed up in Williams!!!!

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

    • Oh no! We didn’t!!! We’ll have to go back someday soon. Thank you for the tip, I’ll put pie on my list for the next Grand Canyon trip. So funny that you love Williams too! But who wouldn’t, right?

  17. I love the Grand Canyon! I can’t wait to take my kids to see it! I also love your shot of malted milkshake! How fun!

  18. Very nice ! I have never been to this famous Route66 and I have never seen the Grand Canyon, although I spent 2 months in the West of the U.S. and I made a long trip from Vancouver in Canada to Los Angeles, and then through Las Vegas, and great national parks and Canyons in Utah …what a pity…I regret a lot, because I do not know when (if ever) I will go to the West again !
    Kind regards from Krakow…

  19. We’ve all risked life and limb in the car to make it to treats far away. It’s oh so necessary at times!

  20. I haven’t had a malt since I was in high school…at the drug store, which actually had a soda fountain. (Guess you can guess how old I am!)
    You are making me drool with anticipation. And the shooter idea is a gem I’m going to remember and use when I get some really appreciative guests!

  21. oh that sounds really good, your hubby is sweet

  22. This malt sounds well worth almost dying while veering across two lanes of traffic! I’m glad to hear you had a fun trip!

  23. Sign me up! what a great old-fashioned chocolate malt for this time of the year. Glad you had a wonderful trip.

  24. I’m obsessed with old school diners! I totally want to go there now!

  25. I can’t even remember the last time I had a chocolate malt. Maybe this weekend I should give this a try!

  26. I haven’t had a chocolate malt in forever, but I can almost taste it! I bet it hit the spot after hiking in the heat of the canyon!

  27. i love the grand C, oh I could use one of these cold shakes right now, it is super HOT here in Texas…


  28. Wow. I’m drooling at this one.

  29. Okay … I have never had a chocolate malt! But now I really really want one!

  30. That sounds fabulous, and I love the cute little cone glasses 🙂

  31. Milkshake shooters! Great idea! I love nostalgia.

  32. […] Nobody has ever turned down a chocolate malt! […]

  33. […] Old-Fashioned Chocolate Malt […]

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